Yushi Yoshida's Research website



Interesting papers downloaded (printed out) in recent months

自分のメモ用: 執筆中の自分の論文に関係(あっても)なくても、興味がわいてプリントアウトした論文。


為替制度(Exchange rate regimes)

"Exchange rate regimes in the modern era: Fixed, floating, and Flaky," 2011,Andrew K. Rose, Journal of Economic Literature, 49(3), 352-672. [2011Sep, 結論、固定相場は明確に定義されるが、変動相場の定義(固定相場ではないと言うこと)は幅が広すぎていろいろなものがごちゃまぜ。実証研究で明確な結果が出ないのはこの要因が大きい。]


外的収支(External balance)

"The external wealth of nations mark II: Revised and extended estimates of foreign assets and liabilities, 1970-2004," 2007, Philip R. Lane and Gian Maria Milesi-Ferretti, Journal of International Economics, 73, 223-250. [2011Oct]



"Is foreign direct investment a channel of knowledge spillovers? Evidence from Japan's FDI in the United States," 2006, Lee Branstetter, Journal of International Economics, 68, 325-344. [2011Oct]


高頻度金融データ分析(High-frequency financial data analysis)

"Order flow and exchange rate dynamics in electronic brokerage system data," David W. Berger, Alain P. Chaboud, Sergey V. Chernenko, Edward Howorka, and Jonathan H. Wright, Journal of International Economics, 75, 93-109. [2011Oct]

公的債務不履行(Sovereign default)

"Is it punishment? Sovereign defaults and the decline in trade," 2011, Jose Vicente Martinez and Guido Sandleris, Journal of International Money and Finance, 30, 909-930. [2011Sep, the Paris Clubのウェブサイトにデフォルトのデータ公開しているのでチェック必要。結論としては、債務不履行によって貿易の減少という形でのpunishment (trade sanction)は実証的にはない。]