Yushi Yoshida's Research website


吉田裕司(Yushi Yoshida)(滋賀大学経済学部, Shiga University)

Website has moved to a new server on October 2019



  Short CV  (略歴)                                       Research Papers  (研究論文)   Conferences/Seminars  (学会発表)   
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研究に役立つリンク・研究会のテーマ       卒業論文に関するファイル


Recent and Future Activities:

Academic year (2024Apr-2025Mar)

Feb (25) "Global value chains and exchage rate pass-through into the import prices of Japanese industries," co-authored with Fabien Rondeau is accpeted in Japan and the Wolrd Economy
Feb (23) "Can exchange rate pass-throughs be perverse? A robust multiple-prior Bayesian SVAR approach," co-authored with Weiyang Zhai is accpeted in Journal of International Money and Finance,154(April 202), 103312
Feb (10) "A Test of Dominant Currency Hypothesis: Evidence from a Non-USD-Non-Euro Country" is release as NBER Working Paper series, No. 33454.
Dec (25) presentation of "Bilateral Invoicing Currency Ratios: A methodology to calculate them from unilateral invoicing currency ratios," co-authored with Fabien Rondeau @RIETI Exchange Rate and Japanese Economy Research Meeting
Dec (15) "Bilateral Invoicing Currency Ratios: A methodology to calculate them from unilateral invoicing currency ratios," co-authored with Fabien Rondeau is accepted in Economics Letters, Vol. 247, February 2025.
Oct (19) presentation of joint paper "The Determinants and Dynamics of Invoicing Currency ERPT: Is the Dominant Currency really a Dominating Exhange Rate Pass-through? Evidence from a non-USD-non-Euro county" in the Japanese Economic Association Fall Conference @Fukuoka University
Oct (06) served as a chair for English session in the Japan Society of International Economics Fall Conference @Kobe University
Sep(26-27) presentation of joint paper entitled as "The Determinants and Dynamics of Invoicing Currency ERPT: Is the Dominant Currency really a Dominating Exhange Rate Pass-through? Evidence from a non-USD-non-Euro county" in the IMAC workshop @Rennes U
Sep() "Invoicing currency, value-added in imports, and exchange rate pass-through," co-authored with Fabien Rondeau, is released as CREM Working Paper, 2024-09.
Sep() "Bilateral Invoicing Currency Ratios: A methodology to calculate them from unilateral invoicing currency ratios," co-authored with Fabien Rondeau, is released as CREM Working Paper, 2024-07.
Sep(22) presentation of "Invoicing currency, value-added in imports, and exchange rate pass-through," by co-author Fabien Rondeau in France-Japan Conference @Ex-Provance Science Po
Sep(21) presentation of "Cash-in-advance payment method and transaction size: Cash constrained importers" in France-Japan Conference @@Ex-Provance Science Po
Aug(11) presentation of "The Determinants and Dynamics of Invoicing Currency ERPT: Is the Dominant Currency really a Dominating Exhange Rate Pass-through? Evidence from a non-USD-non-Euro county" in SWET workshop @Hokkaido U
Jun(01) designated discussant in the JSIE (日本国際経済学会) conference @Tohoku Gakuin U
May(19) designated discussant in the JSME (日本金融学会) conference @Saitama U
Apr(1) "Invoicing Currency Choice: Strategic Complementarities and Currency Matching " is release as NBER Working Paper series, No. 32276.

Academic year (2023Apr-2024Mar)

Mar(22) organized MacroFinance Workshop @Shiga U
Feb(22) "Exporter’s Productivity and the Cash-In-Advance Payment: Transaction-Level Analysis of Turkish Textile and Clothing Exports. " is publised in Open Economies Review.
Feb(19) "Invoice Currency Choice in Intra-Firm Trade: A Transaction-Level Analysis of Japanese Automobile Exports " is released as NBER Working Paper series, No. 32142.
Feb(02) presentation of "Invoicing Currency Choice: Strategic Complementarity and Currency Matching" in the Japan Economic Seminar @Columbia U
Oct(01) presentation of "Invoice Currency Choice: Strategic Complementarity and Currency Matching" in JSME @Kyushu U
sep () "Invoice Currency Choice in Intra-Firm Trade: A Transaction-Level Analysis of Japanese Automobile Exports" became available as PRI Discussion Paper Series (No.23A-03), Ministry of Finance, Japan, co-authored with T. Yoshimi, U. Yoshimoto, K. Sato, T. Ito, J. Shimizu.
Sep(30) designated discussant in the JSME conference @Kyushu U
Sep(30) presentation of  "the Survey of SVAR and its applications to International Finance" by co-author Weiyang Zhai in the JSME conference @Kyushu U
Sep(22) presentation of "Invoice Currency Choice: Strategic Complementarity and Currency Matching"@French-Japanese Webinar in Economics (online)
Sep(16) presentation of "Invoice Currency Choice: Strategic Complementarity and Currency Matching" in the ETSG conference @U of Surry
Sep(12) seminar presentation of "Invoice Currency Choice: Strategic Complementarity and Currency Matching"@U of Birmingham
Sep(08) seminar presentation of "Invoice Currency Choice: Strategic Complementarity and Currency Matching"@U Sud Bretagne
Sep(07) seminar presentation of "Value Added by Importers and Exchange Rate Pass-through" @U of Rennes
Jul(08) attended Hiro Ito's seminar talk @Rikkyo U
Jun(06) designated discussant in the (国際経済学会) conference @Nara Prefecture U
May(13) designated discussant in the JSME (日本金融学会) conference @Hitotshubashi U
Apr (07) "Automobile exports: Exchange rate, export price, and retail price"(co-authored with Yuri Sasaki) is accepted for publication in the World Economy

Academic year (2022Apr-2023Mar)

Mar (1) "Global Value Chains and Exchange Rate Pass-through into the  Import Prices of Japanese Industries" is available as RIETI discussion paper (23-E-013), co-authored with Fabien Rondeau
Feb (14) RIETI DP presentation "GVCs and ERPT in Japanese Imports"
Jan (28) designated discussant @JSME-KMFA workshop (Kyoto)
Jan (25) Seminar talk @Kansai Seisansei Honbu meeting
Jan (7) presentatioin of "GVCs and ERPT in Japanese Imports" @RIETI-IWEP CESSA workshop (online)
Dec (1-2) presentation of "GVCs and ERPT in Japanese Imports" @IMAC Workshop (U Rennes I)
Nov (27) presentation as a panelist in International Finance Special Session (日本金融学会)
Nov (26) presentation of "GVCs and ERPT in Japanese Imports" @JSME conference (日本金融学会)
Sep (8-10) presentation of "CIA payment and transaction size: CCI" @ETSG conference, Groningen
Sep (1-8) visit to the Universite de Rennes I
July(22) presentation of "GVCs and ERPT in Japanese imports" @RIETI ERIC research meeting
June(30) JSPS 挑戦的研究[萌芽](代表)採択 research fund granted
June(6-13) visit to the Universite de Rennes I
June (4) presentation of "ERPT under the UMPR" @EcoSta conference (Ryukoku U)
May (30) "Cash-in-advance payment method and transaction size: Cash constrained importers" is available as RIETI discussion paper (22-E-051), co-authored with Kemal Turkcan and Taiyo Yoshimi.
May (29) presentation of "ERPT under the UMPR" by co-author (Weiyang Zhai) @ JEA conference (日本経済学会)
May (23) presentation of "Cash-in-advance payments and transaction size: Cash-constrained importers " @RIETI DP Seminar
May (14) presiding International Finance session @JSME conference (日本金融学会)
Past Activities:

Academic year (2021Apr - 2022Mar)

Mar (17), 2022, "ERPT under the Unconventional Monetary Policy Regime" is made public as a RIETI discussion paper (22-E-020), co-authored with Weiyang Zhai, Yuri Sasaki, and Siyu Zhang.
Mar(10-11), 2022,"ERPT under the Unconventional Monetary Policy Regime", presentation in TWID International Finance Conferece.
Feb(8), 2022 "ERPT under the Unconventional Monetary Policy Regime", RIETI DP検討会発表
Jan(7), 2022 "Exchange rate pass-through on Japanese prices: Import price, producer price, and core CPI," accepted for publication in Journal of International Money and Finance, co-authored with Yuri Sasaki and Kansho Ohtsubo
Dec (3) presentation of "ERPT under the Uncoventional Monetary Policy Regime" in the 7th IMAC Workshop @Unviersite Rennnes I (by on-line)
Oct(16) presentation of "ERPT under the Uncoventional Monetary Policy Regime" @日本金融学会
Sep (6) "Current Account Dynamics: On Income and Trade Balance", published as RIETI Discussion Paper(21-E-077), with Weiyang Zhai
Sep (3) Article on Japanese Economy and Exchange Rate appears on the Nihon Keizai Newspaper
Aug (17) presentation of  "Current Account Dynamics: On Income and Trade Balance" @RIETI DP検討会
July (29) presentation of "Current Account Dynamics: On Income and Trade Balance" @RIETI ERIC research meeting
May (23) presentation of "Payment methods of Turkish exporters" @China-Japan International Economics Group 2021
Apr (8) presentation of "JPN ERPT SVAR" @RIETI ERIC research meeting

Academic year (2020Apr-2021Mar)
Dec (10) RIETI ERIC research meeting presentation on JPN CA by SVAR
Dec (4) Keynote speech "JPN CA by SVAR"in IMAC Workshop @ Unviersity of Rennes I
Nov (5) RIETI ERIC research meeting presentation
Sep(2) "An Empirical Investigation of the Balance of Embodied Emission in Trade: Industry Structure and Emission Abatement"(co-authored with S.Honma) appears in the 2020 November issue of Economic Modelling
May(26) Presentation of "Payment Method Choice by Turkish Exporters"@JSPS KAKEN(C)「非伝統的金融政策の日本国債市場を通じた波及効果」主催オンラインワークショップ
Apr (1) research paper "Revisiting the Glick-Rogoff Current Account Model: An Application to the Current Account of BRICS Countries"with Weiyan Zhai is submitted for possible publication in the upcoming book edited by Gilles Dufrnot & Takashi Matsuki
Apr (1) 科研費B(分担、吉見太洋代表)新規採択 (JSPS KAKENHI(B) granted, as a research member)

Academic year (2019Apr-2020Mar)
Mar (1-9) Visit to TUIK office @Antalya, Turkey & visit to Rennes University 1, France
Feb (26) Presentation @RIETI ERIC Research Group Meeting, Tokyo
Feb (17) Heiwa Nakajima Foundation research fund for the peirod of 2020Apr-2021Mar is granted for Turkish Trade Analysis Project
Feb (2-6) Visit to TUIK office @Antalya, Turkey
Jan (11) "An Empirical Investigation of the Balance of Embodied Emission in Trade: Industry Structure and Emission Abatement"(co-authored with S.Honma) is accepted by Economic Modelling
Dec (18) presentatioin by co-author (Y.Sasaki) at RIETI-IWEP-CESSA workshop, Tokyo
Dec (12) presentation in the EBS Conference at GRIPS, Tokyo
Nov (28-29) The 3rd RESSU conference at Shiga University
Oct (19) discussant at Japan Society of Monetary Economics Conference at Konan U, Kobe
Oct (12) presentation @Japanese Economic Association Conference at Kobe University
Oct (2) "Exchange rate pass-through on Japanese prices: Import price, producer price, and core CPI,"published as RIETI Discussion Paper(19-E-078), with Sasaki and Otsubo
Sep(8-12) Visit to TUIK office @Ankara, Turkey
June (5) Presentation @IEFS-EAER Conference, Seoul (Korea)
May(25-26) Presentation of "International Portfolio Rebalancing and Equity Market Spillovers",Japan Society of Monetary Economics Conference, Gakushuin University, Tokyo, presentation
Apr (23) RIETI ERIC Research Group Meeting, 「DP検討会」Tokyo
Apr (12) RIETI ERIC Research Group Meeting, Tokyo
Apr (6) Presentation of "International Portfolio Rebalancing and Equity Market Spillovers"日本金融学会・国際金融部会(Japan Society of Monetary Economics) (invited speaker), Osaka
Apr (1) 科研費基盤(C)代表・採択【為替レート変動と経常収支変動のメカニズムの解明】(JSPS KAKENHI(C) "The Mechanism of Exchange Rate and Current Account Fluctuations" granted, as a principal investigator)
Academic year (2018Apr-2019Mar)
Feb(6) RIETI ERIC Research Group (presentation), Tokyo
Jan(16) RIETI ERIC Research Group (presentation), Tokyo
Jan(8) "Convergence in Pollution Terms of Trade,"(共著:本間聡)Journal of International Trade & Economic Development掲載確定
Oct(13)   日本国際経済学会、討論、Kwansei Gakuin University
July(30) NBER Japan Project (participant), Tokyo
Academic year (2017Apr-2018Mar)
Feb(1-2) 4th Applied Financial Modelling Conference, Melbourne (Australia), presentation
Dec(11) "Decomposition of Japan's Trade Balance," (共著:佐々木百合)International Review of Economics & Finance掲載確定
Dec( 1) RIETI-IWEP-CESSA Joint-Workshop, Tokyo, participation & presentation (by co-author)
Nov(18) Organize International conference on Risk in Economics and Society, Shiga University (the 1st RESSU)
Oct(14) "Where at home do exporters produce and exports?" (共著:広瀬恭子)World Economy掲載確定
Sep (30-1) 日本金融学会(Japan Society of Monetary Economics)、鹿児島大学(presentation,日本語) Kagoshima University
Sep(14-15) ETSG, European Trade Study Group Conference, Florence (Italy), (presentation)
Aug (4) RIETI Pass-through Research Group, (日本企業へのインタビュー), Kariya, Aichi
Aug(1) ESRI Meeting (participant) & NBER-ESRI Reception, Tokyo
July(31) NBER Japan Project (participant), Tokyo
June(25-28) Western Finance Association, Whistler (paper rejected, 7.6% acceptance rate.)
Academic year (2016Apr-2017Mar)
Mar(30) "Factor decomposition of Japan's Trade Balance," RIETI Discussion Paper(17-E-042)刊行
Mar(21) RIETI Exchange Rate & International Currency Research Group (presentation,「DP検討会」), Tokyo
Jan(7-8) Organized international conference at Kyoto & Hikone, the 12th ICAFM ( link to the website with photos )
Dec(9) RIETI Exchange Rate & International Currency Research Group (presentation), Tokyo
Nov(29) RIETI Exchange Rate & International Currency Research Group (presentation,「DP検討会」), Tokyo
Oct Book Chapter "Regional integration and risk management of African stock markets"刊行
Sep(29) データサイエンスセミナー(Data Science Seminar presentation,日本語)、滋賀大学(Shiga University)
Sep(13)  RIETI Exchange Rate & International Currency Research Group (presenation), Tokyo
Sep(10-11) 日本経済学会(Japanese Economic Association)、早稲田大学(presentation by co-author), Waseda University
Sep ( 8-10) European Trade Study Group Conference, Helsinki (Finland), (presentation)
Aug(17-20) European Finance Association 43rd Annual Meeting, Oslo(Norway), (paper submitted and rejected. 13% acceptance rate!)
June (18-19) 日本経済学会(Japanese Economic Association)、名古屋大学(presentation,日本語)
May (21-22) 日本ファイナンス学会(Japan Finance Society)、横浜国立大学(presentation,日本語) Yokohama National University
May(14-15) 日本金融学会(Japan Society of Monetary Economics)、武蔵大学(presentation,日本語)Musashi University
Academic year (2015Apr-2016Mar)
Mar "Stepping out of the limit order book: Empirical evidence from the EBS FX market" MPRA Working paper刊行
Mar(23) 指値注文外国為替市場セミナー、九州産業大学(presentation,日本語)Kyushu Sangyo University
Dec Book Chapter "Regional integration and risk management of African stock markets"刊行予定(ゲラ待ち)
Nov(21) MEW (Monetary Economics Workshop)(presentation、日本語)
Nov 『先物・オプションレポート』、大阪取引所、刊行
Nov(4)  RIETI Exchange Rate & International Currency Research Group (presentation), Tokyo
Oct(29-30) MIFN (Methods in International Finance Network)(presentation), Osaka
Sep テキスト「はじめて学ぶ国際金融論」(共著:永易淳、江坂太郎)(有斐閣)刊行
June(8) RIETI Exchange Rate & International Currency Research Group (presentation), Tokyo
May(23-24) 日本経済学会(Japanese Economic Association)、新潟大学(discussant、presentation by co-author) Niigata University
May(17) 日本金融学会(Japan Society of Monetary Economics)、東京経済大学(chair in international session) Tokyo Keizai University
April 科研費C(分担、佐々木百合代表)新規採択 (JSPS KAKENHI(C) granted, as a research member)
Academic year (2014Apr-2015Mar):
2月 "Automobile Exports: Export Prices and Retail Prices" RIETI Discussion Paper刊行
2/20 大阪大学金融・保険教育研究センター・ワークショップ、大阪大学中之島センター(研究報告)
2月 Book Chapter "We missed it again! Why so many market orders in the FX high frequency trading fail to be executed?"刊行
10/20 RIETI DP検討会(研究報告)
10/18-19 日本金融学会、山口大学(研究報告)
10/11-10/12 日本経済学会、西南学院大学(研究報告)
9月 アフリカ証券市場の分析(共著: 杉本喜美子、松木隆)がEmerging Markets Reviewに12月掲載確定
9/11-9/13 European Trade Study Group Conference, Munich, Germany(研究報告)
8/21-22 INFER Workshop "Regions, Firms, & FDI", Ghent, Belgium(研究報告)
7/2-7/4  World Finance Conference, Ca' Foscari University, Venice, Italy(研究報告)
6月 Book Chapter "Algorithm trading in Asian currency FX market" 刊行
6月 研究書「実証国際経済学」(日本経済評論社)刊行
5/30(Fri)  RIETI Pass-through Research Group (Seminar presentation for Automobile pass-through), Tokyo
5/7(Wed) HiWone workshop (invited speaker, Joseph J. French)
April 科研費基盤C(代表)新規採択、(JSPS KAKENHI(C) granted, as a principal investigator)
April 科研費基盤B(分担、須齋正幸代表)新規採択 (JSPS KAKENHI(B) granted, as a research member)
Academic year (2013Apr-2014Mar):
28Feb(Fri)  RIETI Pass-through Research Group (Seminar presentation for Automobile pass-through), Tokyo
7Nov(Thu) Seminar talk on International trade of Japanese regions, (慶應大学)Keio University
17Oct(Thu) Seminar talk on the EBS foreign exchange markets, 滋賀大学(presentation、日本語) Shiga University
9Oct(Wed) RIETI Pass-through Research Group (co-author presentation), Tokyo
21Sep (Sat)-22 日本金融学会(Japan Society of Monetary Economics), 名古屋大学 (presentation、日本語) Nagoya University
12Sep (Thu)-14 European Trade Study Group Conference, Birmingham (presentation)
29July (Mon) RIETI Pass-through Research Group (Seminar participant), Tokyo
27July (Sat)-28 Asian Pacific Economic Association Conference, Osaka (co-author presentation)
17July (Wed) RIETI Pass-through Research Group, (日本企業へのインタビュー), Tokyo
15July (Mon) Asian Economic Policy Review Conference, Tokyo (participated as a designated discussant)
2July (Tue) RIETI Pass-through Research Group (日本企業へのインタビュー), Kyoto
14June (Fri) RIETI Pass-through Research Group (Seminar presentation for Automobile pass-through), Tokyo
30June (Thu) International Economics Seminar, (京都大学)Kyoto University, (invited speaker)
27April (Sat) 日本金融学会・国際金融部会(Japan Society of Monetary Economics), (invited speaker、日本語), Osaka
April 科研費基盤C(分担、本間聡代表)新規採択 (JSPS KAKENHI(C) granted, as a research member)


このページの最終更新日は 2025.03.02 です。

Since May1,2001